- We conduct the official business of the Democratic Party in Boston's Ward 5.
- We support qualified Democrats up and down the ballot.
- We support our "electeds."
- We get out the vote (GOTV) in Massachusets and other states—and have fun doing it!
- Our meetings are open to the public. New members are welcome!
From Our Chair, Bob Binney: More Ways to Make a Difference!
Here are some upcoming demonstrations. Spread the word.
Tuesday, March 4 PM to 5:30 PM, Parkman Bandstand, Boston Common. Mass 50501 is holding the People's State of the Union before Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress. mass50501.com
Wednesday, March 5, 11 AM to 1 PM, Support Immigrants’ Rights, City Hall Plaza. Mayor Wu (and other mayors) will testify in DC before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform about local immigration policy. Join the ACLU of MA, MIRA Coalition, the Boston City Council, Ward 4 Dems, Ward 5 Dems, and others, for a day of action in support of immigrants' rights and a future where all are free from fear and isolation. https://turnpurple2blue.org/2025/03/03/rally-for-immigrants-and-mayor-wu/
Friday, March 7, 12-4 PM, Stand Up for Science, 2025, Boston Common. Expect a large crowd. Speeches will run from Noon to 2:45 PM at the Boston Common Liberty Mall area across the street from the State House. Then, demonstrators can continue to hold signs, and network with each other and state officials. Important: Do not fully block the sidewalk, stand in the street, or bring signs attached to sticks. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/stand-up-for-science-2025-boston-ma-tickets-1256026401779
Saturday, March 8, 12 PM, International Women's Day, Boston March. Starts at Boston Common and continues throughout the City. https://action.womensmarch.com/events/international-women-s-day-unite-resist-boston
Sunday, March 9, 12 PM, Tesla showroom, 888 Boylston Street. Sell your Tesla! Sell your stock in Tesla or X! If you have a managed fund in your retirement plan, ask the plan administrator if they offer a fund withoutTesla or X. Call your representatives and/or attend that oppose DOGE's reckless firing of federal employees and defunding of government agencies. Thank those who are actively opposing DOGE! https://actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/teslatakedown
Go to mobilize.us for more information about what to do, including voter outreach for the upcoming special elections.
Our Mission: Conducting the Official Business of the Democratic Party.
Ward 5 includes Beacon Hill, Bay Village, Back Bay, Fenway, and parts of Chinatown and the South End.
We advocate for the election of Democrats at the local, state and national level.
We support public policies that are important to the City of Boston, the Commonwealth, and the Nation. We help our neighbors stay informed.
Officers: Robert Binney (Chair), Hilary Bacon Gabrieli (Vice Chair), Patricia Amend (Second Vice Chair), Shari Franzetta (Secretary), Robert Whitney (Treasurer).
Executive Committee: Robert Binney, Hilary Bacon Gabrieli, Patricia Amend, Robert Whitney, Shari Franzetta, Kenzie Bok, Gretchen Bennett, Kathy Judge, Susan Smith, City Councilor Sharon Durkan and State Rep. Jay Livingstone.
We meet the third Tuesday of every month—now in person. A Zoom link is also available.
Here's More:
- How to Join the Ward 5 Democratic Committee.
- How to Donate to the Committee.
- How to Pay Your Dues if You're a Member.
- Read Our Meeting Minutes.
- Read the Bylaws We Abide By
Protecting Our Democracy,
The Boston Ward 5 Democratic Committee
Send an email to: Ward5Boston@gmail.com.
Get details on Ward 5 Meetings—the third Tuesday of the month at 7PM—plus candidate forums, rallies, canvasses, and other events.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
W5 Meeting, Tuesday, February 18th, 7PM, Community Church, 565 Bolyston Street. Also via Zoom.
W5 Meeting, Tuesday, March 18th, 7PM, Community Church, 565 Bolyston Street. Also via Zoom.
W5 Meeting, Tuesday, April 22nd, 7PM, Community Church, 565 Bolyston Street. Also via Zoom.